Student Solution


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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay

Q Consider the different communication barriers and identify two situations in which you faced a communication barrier at work. These two situations you select should each involve a different type of communication barrier. Write a reflection paper in which you address the following prompts. What did you do when you encountered the communication barriers? How do emic and etic viewpoints factor into why (in your opinion) the communication barriers existed? Were you able to resolve the communication barriers effectively? If you were able to overcome the barrier, describe the steps and process that occurred to overcome the barrier. Would you still do anything differently if you could? If you were not able to overcome the barrier, reflect on the situation and describe what could have been done to overcome the barrier. What do you do differently today, or what do you want to do differently from this point forward the next time you encounter communication barriers to have effective outcomes in resolving those barriers?

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Communication helps to connect with people; the lack of communication can result in communication barriers. At the workplace, people need to have practical communication skills to work smoothly. However, challenges often occur that can affect work relationships and work too. Communication barriers between colleagues can induce work rivalry and tension at the workplace.